Sunday 26 February 2023

Personal Development - Productivity

Self Confidence - 

Mental workout - 

  1. Centering Breath: Breath in for 6 seconds, hold for 2, breath out for 7 seconds. (6-2-7) or (4-2-5)
  2. Identity Statement: Repeat in your head your identity statement (this is very much like a personal mantra). Come up with 2-3 sentences that describe exactly what and who you want to be—make certain to say it as if it has already occurred. For example my identity statement is, “I out work the competition everyday, I am the most effective performance coach in the country. I experience true love as a husband and father”. 

    I don't waste time. I am hardworking person. I am skilled GenAI Devops Engineer and leader
    I'm confident healthy strong. I improve my competance with 100% focus and intensity I am the most skilled Devops/Gen AI Engineer and Leader"

    I'm confident happy focused. I improve my competance (skills) everyday I am the most skilled Devops/Gen AI Engineer and leader

  3. Personal Highlight Reel (Vision and Integrity): Take 60 seconds total to visualize success. 
    --> In the first 30 seconds create a visual of how you want your life to be 5 years from now. Be specific and include the most important personal and professional aspects. (earning 30 L /yr, highly skilled, work life balance, taking care of two kids and family well)
    --> Then take another 30 seconds to visualize how you want your upcoming day to go. See a few important successes that will propel you to be on track for exactly where you want to be in 5 years. (working well with focus and intensity, without wasting time [in entertainment, facebook,youtube] )
  4. Identity Statement: Repeat to yourself your personal mantra (same as step 2). (I am focused and capable. I am the most skilled devops engineer and leader.)
  5. Centering Breath: Take another deep breath just as you did in step 1


Self Image -  Create Identity Statement (Example: I am confident I am healthy and I am strong. I am the most skilled devops engineer and leader)

Positive Self talk -  Every people is different . We may come across different kinds of people some complicate things, some  angry, some arrogant, some childish, some silly, I won't get affected by their words or actions 


I use my time well

I use my time to improve my skills

I use my time to become better

1. 1-10 how well are you using your time

2. 1-10 how well are you taking effort on improving ur skills

3. 1-10 how much parents believe you and small guys respect you

Think of goal or wish

--> need to earn 30 l / per year (or)  using the time well

Think of goal or wish with more details

--> need to earn 30 lakh per year,  utilizing the time well doing productive/responsible work , improving skills 

Think of goal or wish as already happened

--> I am happy now,  i earn 30 Lakh  / year

 that without wasting (distraction or entertainment) i am using the time well

How to utilize the Miracle of Mind magic  . . .

Select the secret mental power which you desire most right now and reread and repractice it. Select two or three if you can't decide on one. (Reread any of the others whenever you need them.) When you practice any of them, be keenly aware of how it alters your physiological language.

You will feel like a person who could easily achieve your goal, dream, or wish. Always imagine yourself as becoming him (or her) and then note exactly how you feel! Imitate everything about them when you do, so you no longer feel like yourself, but wholly like him or her! That's when you will think like them, when your physiological language will speak like his or hers, and when the particular secret mental power which they would use to achieve a goal, dream, or wish like yours will become yours, too!

You will then possess the miracle of mind magic!


Who are you

what do you want to be 

What could you do about it


In addition to physical skills, mental practice can probably also be used to help train your emotional responses. Have you ever had a bad encounter while working, got angry, and said something that you later regretted? Take a moment to recreate that moment in your head. In real time, recreate the conversation. Now feel the physical changes that accompany your anger. Are your muscles tight? Your heart racing? Try to experience everything about the scene, right down to the smells in the room. Now that you can recognize the anger developing, picture yourself responding as you wish you had acted rather than as you actually did. Envision yourself taking a few deep breaths. Try to see things from the other side. Is this person really a jerk, or are they just scared or tired or struggling with their divorce? Envision yourself pausing to breath and think before you respond. If you mentally rehearse both the sensations of anger and your planned response, you are much more likely to recognize when you are becoming angry, and respond in a way that that fits with your professional ideals.


Productivity requires skill, strategy, and focused effort.

If you’re working with those three essential elements together, consistently, you’re maximizing your productivity. It’s like a recipe for creating exactly what you want to create and doing it with excellence.

So ask yourself, “Am I working with skill, strategy, and focused effort on a consistent basis?”

If you’re answer is no, then evaluate the areas where you need the most help and start finding some new ways of doing business.


By disciplining yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on the most important thing you could possibly be doing, and then by completing that task, you increase the quantity, quality and value of your output substantially. You can have all the talent and skill in the world. But if you cannot discipline yourself single-mindedly to complete your most important task, you will always have to work for someone else. You will always have to be supervised by someone who can make sure that you do what you should do, when you should do it. The good news is that, every time you complete a major task, you experience a surge of energy, enthusiasm and self-esteem. You feel terrific about yourself. You feel happy and elated. You feel like a winner. The more important the task, and the more disciplined you are in completing the task, the better you feel about yourself when you have finished.


Health -> Appearance (good looking) -> Our Confidence increases with good dressing and fitness

Focus -> If we do Productive Work ->  Our Confidence increases as we gain experience with work

Knowledge ->  Daily Learning -> We get Confidence if we continuously gain knowledge

Training -> Daily Practice -> More practice, more we become skillful we get more Confidence



Knowledge and Practice  = Self Condidence = 

Focus - Dedication - Workhard = Success

Not to do :

Negative Self talk, Over Compliment others, 

 Lowering Your Standards, 

Comparing Yourself to Others


Time Mgmt

1. Plan the day before (write it down) 3 Most Important 1 Must

2.  Take 10 min of your time to declutter the workspace

3. When - Then Technique (When you have 5-10 min practice a sysops practice question)


Victim mindset questions begin with “why.” When we ask a victim question, get a victim answer. For example, “Why does this person treat me this way?” “Because you are this and this.” Or “Why am I unable to do this?” “Because of this and this.” A victim question will give you an excuse as your answer 👎

Victor questions begin with “how” and "who" or “what!” Ask a victor question, get the answer that sets you free ✨

Whats ONE Thing you can do or do differently to make this better

Instead of Yelling “I Deserve Better,” Say “I Can Be Better”


Don't beat yourself, Don't self critisize

its okay to be emotional

its okay to not know everything

its okay to fail


Growth Mindset

Daily Self Reflection Quesitons

RSF - Solution Focus

“Talking about your problems will lead to more problems, not solutions. If you want solutions, start thinking and talking about your solutions”. 

The number one reason mental toughness is so difficult is the tendency to become problem-centric thoughts (PCT). PCT is the exact opposite of Relentless Solution Focused (RSF). RSF is rare as most people are PCTs. It is more natural to think and focus on mistakes, the past, barriers, and what we don’t have instead of what we do have. It’s easier to think about problems such as not having enough money, success, not fast enough, strong enough, etc., than to acknowledge good fortune and abundance. 

What does it really mean to be solution focused? Being solution focused means keeping your thoughts centered on what you want from life and what it takes to achieve what you want, as opposed to allowing thoughts of self-doubt and concern to occupy the mind. The difference between a solution focus and a relentless solution focus is how often you commit to replacing negative thinking with solutions. 

Many sports psychologists feel that most people achieve solution-focused thoughts about 40% of the time. Individuals with a relentless solution focus replace 100% of undesirable thinking with thoughts emphasizing solutions. 

Got a challenge in your life, on the field, in the classroom? ALWAYS have a solution on the board. Ask yourself “What is the one thing I can do that could make this better?” One thing! Not 72 or 483. Just one thing! 

Don’t allow yourself to say “I don’t know what to do”. Come up with an answer to that question. It doesn’t have to be perfect – just one thing that moves you in the right direction.


The mentally strong person will never give up their dreams irrespective of what situation they are facing The emotionally strong person will able to control their emotions and they could able to adapt to the situation and adjust to the situation and they make the situation to accomplish their task. The mentally and emotionally strong person is much greater person than rich person. 

10 methods to become mentally and emotionally strong: 

1: Don't blame yourself ( we are born alone and die alone so don't blame yourself and live the way you need) 

2: Don't waste time ( don't use social media too much. If it doesn't give money don't do it. Di your passion. Make passion to profession) 

3: Wake up early morning be a early bird( wake up before sunrise ️) 

4: Make yourself calm ( being calm helps to solving the problem. Focused mind is the most powerful weapon) 

5: Change yourself ( you can change the habits, priorities and schedule. Think carefully about your life and change your life) 

6:Speak to yourself ( be in a calm situation and talk to yourself and analyse your strength and weakness and happiness and make the changes) 

7:Work hard ( there is no alternative for hard work) 

8:Avoid over thinking ( over thinking makes mentally and emotionally weak) 

9:Go with yourself ( cannot change the situation but change the habits) 

10:Meditation ( it make you calm and focused)


1. 1-10 how RELENTLESS are you?
2. 1-10 how CONSISTENT are you?
3. 1-10 how GRATEFUL are you?

What is 1 thing you can do to become more RELENTLESS?


  • Getting up at 5 or 6 AM
  • Walking 30 minutes and listen to your 5 favorite songs 
  • Meditate 5 minutes
  • Gratitude 5 minutes
  • Plan your day 10 minutes

Make an effort to answer the following questions each night before sleeping and write them in your journal:


  • What am I grateful for? (Write 3 -5 points)
  • What 3 things have made me happy today?
  • What 3 things did I do particularly well today?
  • How could I have made today even better?
  • What is my most important goal for tomorrow?


Do this every day for a month and observe the changes that take place!


Jason Selk - Links





Jason Selk - 

Jason Selk - No Excuse - No Complaining


overcoming Laziness

"I am sorry for (insert mistake). There is no excuse, and I will make sure it doesn't happen again." 

Example : I'm sorry I was late and couldn't pick up the supplies. No excuses.


Set Goals Developing attainable goals is critical for managing your mental toughness. When you are writing your mission statement, make sure that you are considering what your goals are. But while setting goals is easy, achieving them can be a very different story. The most important question to ask before setting any goal is “Why?” Specifically, why is this goal vital to me? When there is a clear connection with your why, the how will follow. Your why is the emotional connection or the bond that you form with your goal. Setting goals will also make you mentally tough

TO ________ SO THAT ______________


Accountability (Doing what needs to be done) (3 MI 1 Must, Product Goal Process Goal)

Decide what's important, and without excuse, wake up every day and take action

No Excuse -

What excuse do you find yourself using over and over? 

1 time, 5 min rest

Focus (Performance Statement, Identity Statement, V-Flood )


Optimism (Self Confidence - How you talk to yourself - 3 Done Well, Vision of Self Image, RSF)

Train Yourself to Be an Optimist: 4 Steps | (No Excuse , Things in our control, RSF)


RSF - Jason Selk


Performance Statement


"I am sorry for (insert mistake). There is no excuse, and I will make sure it doesn't happen again." 

Example : I'm sorry I was late and couldn't pick up the supplies. No excuses.


Jason Selk - No Excuse - No Complaining

No -Excuse

Attack Mentality

overcoming Laziness





Identity statement


There is an old saying that states, “Be prepared for the worst. Plan for the best.” When the possibility of trouble arises, allow yourself 60 seconds to think through the worst that could happen. Take another 60 seconds to figure out what you will do to get through the worst if it occurs. After doing so, realize you are prepared.

Now the trick becomes to focus on how you want things to go. Force all thoughts moving forward onto the potential positive outcome and result. If trouble shows up, you will deal with it; otherwise, enjoy life’s blessings.





Jason - List 3

Viable Excuse -


Goal Setting-

Performance Statement -


5 Best Practice for mental toughness

Underperformance needs a RSF



Book Summary

obsession for improvement (What 1 thing I could have done better today and do better tomorrow/ improvement for tomorrow)

Attack Mentality (Doing strongly with focus) - Victim Mentality (giving excuses, complaining, blaming, worrying)

Being Proactive (Plan the day before, long term goal short term goal)

Fight thru - Feeling NOT to do the things that needs to be done, How Good I will feel if I win this ?  What would happen if you lose by not doing ? ex: poor result, gaining weight, losing respect

Be little tough (in making decisions, facing challenges, sticking without giving up)

Don't overcoach, Don't try to change too many things at same time

small and frequent repitition (Simplicity with constant repitition)

Hapiness causes more success

win or lose the day.. what you do every day is important

Consistency of Prioritized Activity (Personal and Professional)

No Excuse - What is the one thing you want to accomplish that you need to stop making excuses about? 

Reward: Set a reward in motion (short term, long term - having more money)

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