Monday 17 May 2021

Mind and Health - Swami Pandit Kannaiya Yogi


Anyone can have excellent health if one seeks it in the right way.Emotions like fears, jealousies, anxieties, failures in the attempt to have happiness are impediments to good health. Mere fear of an impending attack of a disease against which public warnings are given, also causes disease. In short, disease is the outward sign of some inner mental disturbance.

Relation between Mind and Body

Man is not a body containing the mind. He is a mind operating through a body. The body itself is the result of the activity of the mind. It is moulded by mind and is changed by mind. 

It has been demonstrated that feeling of love consciously cultivated brighten the eye, improve the circulation and digestion and promote harmonious functioning of the eliminative system.Whereas opposite emotions of fear, envy and hate affect the entire body in an opposite manner.Stomach ulcers, asthma, skin disorders and heart trouble are frequently caused by mental upsets that continue over a period of time. So to change a physical condition one must change the thought. Control  of sickness lies in the control of thought. 

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