Sunday 30 August 2020

Auto Suggestion கருத்துப் பதிவு - Affirmations


"Affirmation" means positive, present tense language stated in the first person. Apply the same rules to auto suggestion techniques as you would for affirmations. 

Conscious autosuggestions must be repeated with mental focus, and with certainty and faith in them.

When you make conscious autosuggestions, do it naturally, simply, with conviction, and above all without any effort. must be believable by the most important person – you

I CAN - I am capable (believing in our ability to work hard)
I WILL - staying focused and accomplishing the task

Auto Suggestion to overcome fear

I am courageous and fearless…every day, I am gaining courage

Auto Suggestion for Students - 

I have unlimited brainpower and I can learn anything . I am a brilliant student (5 times)

"By Regular Study and Frequent Revision I CAN MASTER any subject"

Auto suggesstion to overcome disease

‘Through the grace of God, I am becoming better and better, day by day, in every way’

I am healthy, thanks God for grace

Auto Suggesstion to overcome bad thoughts

‘Through the grace of God, I am becoming purer and purer, day by day, in every way’

For Confidence

I like myself

I am the best

I can do it, Nothing can stop me

I am getting better everyday

I am successful in whatever I do

I am able to solve problems creatively

I am born to win and succeed in life

Autosuggestion consists of powerful assertions. The formula, ‘I am becoming better and better every day, in every way’, will confer upon you health and success. Repeat it mentally throughout the day. Dwell on it constantly. You will become as you think. The mind has the capacity of making hell out of heaven and heaven out of hell. It is the cause of both heaven and hell, of liberation and bondage. May God grant you the strength to conquer your mind and enjoy eternal peace and bliss!

Other Affirmations

I am energetic or I am full of energy and enthusiasm

I am full of energy and strength, my body is in perfect health

Think about how powerful that statement is:

I CAN – It is possible, it CAN be done, and I CAN do it.

I WILL – I WILL get it done. Not “I hope I can” or “I might.” WILL means it IS going to happen.

I MUST – I MUST do this. It absolutely HAS to be done, no excuses.

What excuses do you have right now as to why you aren’t living the life of your dreams? Shed those and start repeating this mantra over and over again, every single morning, or any time you feel like giving up. Believe you can and you will. Take action and have 100% belief that your dreams are on their way to reality. Then watch as they unfold before your eyes.

I can get good marks

I will study well

I can earn more

I will develop my skills

I can. I will develop my skills

I can. I will focus and study well

Positive traits to use as Affirmation

  1. Active – Alert, lively and ready to engage energetically. 🏃‍♂️
  2. Adaptive – Willing to change in response to circumstances.
  3. Affability – Friendly, good-natured or easy to talk to.
  4. Affectionate – Showing fondness or tenderness.
  5. Alert – Clear-thinking and intellectually active.
  6. Ambitious – Having desire and determination to achieve success. 💯
  7. Attentive – Showing careful attention to the comfort or wishes of others.
  8. Austere – Disowning comforts or luxuries.
  9. Balanced – Enjoying harmony and stability. ⚖️
  10. Benevolent – Being well-meaning.
  11. Careful – Prudent and showing thought or attention.
  12. Characterful – Showing strength and originality in one’s nature.
  13. Charitable – Kind and tolerant in judging others.
  14. Creative – Showing inventiveness and use of imagination. 🖊️
  15. Compassionate – Showing sympathy and concern for others.
  16. Confident – Certain in one’s worth, abilities and qualities.
  17. Considerate – Showing careful thought not to inconvenience or harm others.
  18. Cooperative – Complying readily with requests to achieve mutual ends.
  19. Courageous – Able to do things that one fears.
  20. Curious – Showing a strong desire to know or learn new things.
  21. Dependable – Being trustworthy and reliable.
  22. Determined – Showing firmness of purpose. 💪
  23. Diligent – Working carefully and persistently.
  24. Disciplined – Doing what one knows they should do (even if they don’t feel like it).
  25. Dispassionate – Remaining rational and impartial.
  26. Dutiful – Conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one’s duty.
  27. Encouraging – Giving others support, confidence or hope.
  28. Energetic – Showing or involving great activity or vitality. 🔥
  29. Enthusiastic – Showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval.
  30. Excellent – Being outstanding or extremely good. 👌
  31. Faithful – Remaining loyal and steadfast.
  32. Flexible – Ready and able to adapt to different circumstances.
  33. Forgiving – Feeling no anger or resentment to offences or mistakes.
  34. Friendly – Being favourable and serviceable to others.
  35. Frugal – Sparing or economical with money or food.
  36. Generous – Ready to give more than necessary or expected.
  37. Gritty – Showing courage, resolve and strength of character.
  38. Hard-working – Working with energy and commitment. 👷
  39. Harmonious – Being free from disagreement or dissent.
  40. Honest – Free of deceit; truthful and sincere.
  41. Honourable – Knowing and doing what is morally right.
  42. Hopeful – Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
  43. Humble– Having a modest or low view of one’s importance.
  44. Independent – Thinking and acting for oneself.
  45. Industrious – Diligent and hard-working.
  46. Integrous – Honest and of strong moral principles.
  47. Initiative – Assessing things and taking action independently.
  48. Just – Behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
  49. Kind – Being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  50. Liberal – Respecting behaviour and opinions different from one’s own.
  51. Listening – Take notice of and make an effort to hear others. 👂
  52. Lively – Full of life and energy; active and outgoing.
  53. Logical – Acting based on clear, sound reasoning.
  54. Loving – Feeling and showing deep, selfless affection for others.
  55. Loyal – Showing firm and constant support or allegiance.
  56. Merciful – Showing compassion or forgiveness to those who harmed one.
  57. Methodical – Orderly and systematic in thought or behaviour.
  58. Mindful – Conscious and aware of the present moment.
  59. Moderate – Avoiding excess or extremes.
  60. Modest – Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities.
  61. Neat – Tidy, smart, or well-organized.
  62. Open-minded – Accepting of and receptive to change or new ideas.
  63. Orderly – Neat and methodical. 📁
  64. Organised – Structured, systematic and planning effectively.
  65. Passionate – Having, showing, or driven by strong feelings or beliefs.
  66. Patient – Waiting without getting tired of waiting.
  67. Persistent – Continuing firmly despite difficulty or opposition.
  68. Polite – Acting respectfully and considerately.
  69. Pragmatic – Acting sensibly, realistically and practically.
  70. Prudent – Showing care and thought for the future.
  71. Punctual – Doing things at agreed or proper times.
  72. Purposeful – Showing determination or resolve.
  73. Quality – Showing general excellence of standard or level.
  74. Rational – Thinking and acting in accordance with reason or logic. 🤔
  75. Reasonable – Having sound judgement; fair and sensible.
  76. Reliable – Consistently good in quality or performance.
  77. Resolute – Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
  78. Respectful – Showing regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others.
  79. Righteous – Acting according to what is morally correct.
  80. Self-discipline – Doing what one knows they should do (even if they don’t feel like it).
  81. Self-control – Managing emotions and desires well in difficult situations.
  82. Silent – More prone to listen than to speak.
  83. Sincere – Free from pretence or deceit.
  84. Simple – Presenting no difficulty to others.
  85. Stable – Unchanging; not easily upset or disturbed.
  86. Steadfast – Resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
  87. Strong – Not easily disturbed, upset, or affected.
  88. Supportive – Providing encouragement or emotional help to others.
  89. Temperate – Showing moderation and self-restraint.
  90. Thrifty – Using resources carefully and not wastefully.
  91. Tidy – Neat, orderly and controlled.
  92. Truthful – Telling or expressing the truth; honest.
  93. Trustworthy – Able to be relied on as honest or truthful. 🤝
  94. Unselfish – Putting the needs or wishes of others before one’s own.
  95. Valiant – Possessing or showing courage or determination.
  96. Vital – Being strong, active and energetic.
  97. Warm – Showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
  98. Wise – Showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.
  99. Zany – Amusingly unconventional and original.

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