Advice for Beginners starting yoga sadana
Everything must be done gradually. It is very difficult for a man who was in the world to be in
entire seclusion. It will be very painful and troublesome for a beginner. He should slowly
train himself by observing Mowna often.
The place wherein you can get concentration of mind is suitable for your Yogic practices. This
is a general rule. There will be no use if you run from place to place.
Karma Yoga - Method to follow
entire seclusion. It will be very painful and troublesome for a beginner. He should slowly
train himself by observing Mowna often.
The place wherein you can get concentration of mind is suitable for your Yogic practices. This
is a general rule. There will be no use if you run from place to place.
Karma Yoga - Method to follow
When you do Karma Yoga you must be free from egoism. You must not expect any reward or
appreciation for the work that you do (Nishkama). You must have a balanced mind in success and
Mind control to overcome difficulty
appreciation for the work that you do (Nishkama). You must have a balanced mind in success and
Mind control to overcome difficulty
Most of the difficulties arise in your daily life if you do not have a proper control over your
mind. For instance, if a man does evil to you, instantly you want to revenge, to extract tooth
for tooth, tit for tat policy, to return anger for anger. Every reaction of evil shows that the
mind is not under control. By anger one loses his energy. Balanced state of mind is not possible. From anger all other impurities emanate. Anger controlled properly, becomes transmuted into an energy so powerful as to move the whole world.
mind. For instance, if a man does evil to you, instantly you want to revenge, to extract tooth
for tooth, tit for tat policy, to return anger for anger. Every reaction of evil shows that the
mind is not under control. By anger one loses his energy. Balanced state of mind is not possible. From anger all other impurities emanate. Anger controlled properly, becomes transmuted into an energy so powerful as to move the whole world.
Mantra Sadana
A Mantra is a mass of Tejas or radiant energy. It transforms the mental substance by producinga particular thought movement. The rhythmical vibrations produced by Mantra regulate the
unsteady vibrations of the five sheaths. It checks the natural tendency of objective thoughts
of the mind. It helps the Sadhana Shakti and reinforces it. Sadhana Shakti is strengthened by
Mantra-Shakti. Mantra awakens superhuman powers.
“Only the knowledge imparted by a Guru through his lips is powerful and useful; otherwise it
becomes fruitless, weak and very painful.”
Hints on Yoga
“Siddhau visvasah prathamalakshanam”—For success, firm belief is the first condition.
Develop the power of endurance (Titiksha), learn to bear happiness and misery evenly and to pass through all phases of life, all experiences.
The endurance of all pain and torture with patience and contentment means the exercise of a distinct force which spiritualises the whole nature. The greater this force, the speedier the spiritual growth. Patience and faith should continue undiminished all through the Sadhana period.
Chitta-Shuddhi is purification of mind. Nadi Shuddhi is purification of Nadis. Bhuta-Shuddhi is purification of elements. Adhara-Shuddhi is purification of Adhara. If there is Shuddhi (purification), Siddhi (perfection) will come by itself. Siddhi is not possible without Shuddhi.
Humility is the highest of all virtues. You can destroy your egoism by developing this virtue alone. You can influence the whole world. You will become a magnet to attract the whole world. It must be genuine. Feigned humility is hypocrisy.
Control anger by practice of Kshama, Dhairya, patience and Nirabhimanata, absence of egoism.
When anger is controlled it will be transmuted into an energy by which you can move the whole world.
Anger is a modification of passion. If you can control lust, you have already controlled anger.
Wise Guidance For Sure Success
The practice of Yoga should be gradual and step by step. Extremes are to be avoided. No sudden and violent methods should be employed. Common-sense is an essential part of Yoga. Boldness is also equally essential.
Fickle-mindedness will not do on the path of Yoga. Vacillation and oscillation will retard progress and result in stagnation.
Reflect gradually and choose a method; choose a method and stick to it and persevere in it continuously. This Nishtha is necessary.
Never exert yourself. Use your common-sense. If you find any substantial benefit, continue your practice. If there is any discomfort, discontinue the practice and seek proper guidance.
A man who digs a well should not dig a foot here, a foot there, a few feet in another place and then a fourth. If he does this, he will not find water even after digging in fifty places. Once a spot is chosen, he must dig on and on in the same place and lo, he will reach the water. Even so in Yoga, one teacher, one path, one method, one master, one idea and one-pointed faith and devotion—all the above make up the secret of success in spiritual life.
The Six Chakras
There are six chakras. Muladhara is in the anus. Svadhishthana is near the genital organ. Manipuraka is in the navel. Anahata is in the heart.
The Vishuddhi Chakra is at the root of the neck. The sixth Chakra, the Ajna is in the head (between the two eyebrows).
After gaining a knowledge of these six Mandalas or spheres, one should enter the Sukhamandala, drawing up the Vayu and sending it upwards.
He becomes one with Brahmanda, the macrocosm, who practises thus the control of Vayu. Vayu, Bindu, Chitta, and Chakra should be mastered by him.
Chitta And The Control Of Prana
1. Chitta is the Subconscious mind. It is the mind-stuff. It is the store-house of memory. Samskaras or impressions of actions are imbedded here. It is one of the four parts of Antahkarana or inner instruments, viz., mind, intellect, Chitta and Ahankara or ego.
2. Mind is formed out of wind. So, it is fleeting like the wind. Intellect is formed out of fire. Chitta is formed out of water. Ego is formed out of earth.
3. Chitta has two causes for its existence, viz., Vasanas or subtle desires and the vibration of Prana.
4. If one of them is controlled, the result is, both of them are controlled.
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