Monday, 9 January 2023

Mindful Breathing exercise / Pranayama

Morning  (Deep Breathing) :  

2  Normal Breathing

1 or 2 Slow Inhale and Slow Exhale (Focus your entire attention on the breadth, breadth should be smooth and steady)

1 Slow Deep Inhale and Slow Deep Exhale

Afternoon  (Conscious Breathing): 

2 Normal Breathing

B.In 2 3 4 5 

Bout 2 3 4 5

Evening  (Rhytemic Breathing):

B.In 2 3 4

B.Out 2 3 4

B.In 2 3 4

B.Out 2 3 4

Repeat the above for 2 time , pause for some time and repeat for two times


Om Chanting - Inhale, Hold the breadth and Chant OOOOOOM (3 times)

Abdominal Breathing - Lying down, hands on lower abdomen, inhale and exhale slowly (6 times) 

Equal Breathing

Three Mindful Breaths

Sit up straight and tall … feet flat on the floor.

Place your hands (palms down or palms up) on your desk or on your lap.

Focus on a point on the floor or on your desk. Or, close your eyes.

Focusing on the breath, we will take three breaths … breathing in through the nose and out through the nose to the count of 8.

Breathe in - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.
Breathe out - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.

Breathe in - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.
Breathe out - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.

Breathe in - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.
Breathe out - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.

Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes. Open your eyes.

src :

Belly breathing

Sitting or lying down in a comfortable position, start breathing in and out gently through your nose. When you feel relaxed and ready for this exercise, lay your hand on your belly and take a deep breath in, filling it up as you do so like a small balloon. You do not need to force yourself to make it expand, but just focus on breathing into the belly and making it rise with air. On the out breath, feel it being emptied as it comes down to its natural position. Repeat these belly breaths for several times (1 to 3 minutes) until you notice your muscles relax, one by one. Enjoy the sensation of being in a calm state and notice how it affects your whole body.

Coherent breathing

Sitting or lying down in a comfortable position, start breathing in and out gently through your nose. Direct your attention to your breath as it fills your lungs with air and leaves your body through your nostrils. In the meantime, observe your thoughts without judgement, letting them come and go as if flowing through a river.

When you have managed to slow down the pace of your normal breathing, start counting silently in your mind:

  • 7Breathe in and count 1, 2, breathe out and count 1, 2

Repeat this for two breaths

  • Breath in and count 1, 2, 3, breathe out and count 1, 2, 3

Repeat this for three breaths

  • Breath in and count 1, 2, 3, 4, breathe out and count 1, 2, 3, 4

Repeat this for four breaths

  • Breath in and count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, breathe out and count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Repeat this for five breaths


Centering Breadth

4 - 2 -5

6 -2 - 7

Deerga Swasam - Slow Inhale and Slow Exhale

Basic breath

Inhale through your nose for a count of four, and exhale through your nose for a count of four. You can count out the beats as so: Inhale...two...three...four. Exhale...two...three...four. And repeat for at least 10 breath cycles. This technique will help you find your breathing rhythm and also bring you into the present moment.

I Feel Happy

This mantra cultivates happiness and pure joy when you practice it. It comes from the Buddhist tradition and helps you to see the happiness you already have in your life. Take a cleansing breath, then begin.

Breathing in, I feel happy.

Breathing out, I feel happy.

Another option for this mantra is:

Breathing in, I feel joy.

Breathing out, I feel joy.

Do at least ten full rounds, or more if you like. By the end, you’re sure be feeling incredibly happy. **


3:5 Breathing

For many children learning how to breathe out slowly does not always come naturally, but I've recently discovered that using Pom-poms can help : )

Here's what to do:

  • ask your child to take a slow, steady breath in for a count of 3 seconds

  • to encourage the longer out breath ask them to gently exhale on to a pom-pom for around 5 seconds, with the aim of keeping the pom-pom on their hand. Kids tend to love this challenge especially when you tell them that it's much harder keeping the pom-pom on your hand than simply blowing if off with one strong breath!

  • Once they get the hang of it, repeat 5 times or until calm.

The benefits of 3:5 breathing (breathing in for 3 seconds and out for 5) are endless:

  • decreases adrenaline production

  • lowers heart rate

  • allows you to re-focus and de-stress

  • the concentration part of this breathing technique takes our mind away from what's troubling us and on to our breathing.


Steps of Udgeeth Pranayama

  • Sit on the Padmasana and Close your eyes, Your spine should be straight.
  • Breathe deeply through your nose till diaphragm is full of air, and exhale.
  • While exhaling chant the word, Om.
  • Make sure to keep the sound of “O” long and the “M” short (OOOOOOOOm). Udgeeth Pranayama is very simplest pranayama among to all pranayama. Repeat this 3 to five (or 5 minutes if you have time).
src :

Steps for Pranav Pranayama

  • Sit in the Padmasana, Vajransana, or sukhasana, as you wish.
  • Keep your eyes closed, your spine and head should be straight.
  • Keep your fingers in ‘Gyan Mudra’.
  • Focus on your normal breathing as you inhale and exhale or while normal breathing you can also focus on the word Om in your mind.
  • Become centered within yourself and feel your connection with the positive energies which is present in the Universe.
  • Do this process for 2 or 3 minutes.
  • After two or three minutes raise your hands above your head and rub your palms together for about 20 seconds.
  • After that place, your palms over your eyes, feel the warmness of your palms over your eyes.
  • Now slowly – slowly open your eyes (don’t open your eyes immediately) with your hands still in front of your eyes.
  • After that slowly lower down your hands and completely open your eyes.
  • You can also increase the time limit from 2 minutes to 1 hour as per your available time.

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