Monday, 26 June 2023

Visualization - How to

Relaxing - set timer for 1 minute, pause for 10-15 seconds,  close your eyes (it would be dark) imagine a wide black screen and focus on that 

Practice Silence - Practice silence for 10 min every day by sitiing quietly without giving in to the mind's urge to pick up the phone, text someone, get something to eat or drink. If  you are tempted to text a friend or write down something with in those 10 minutes, wait. It means you are not in a reactive state. let the moment pass. Don't be a slave to your urges.

Bob Proctor SEE YOURSELF -

Body Relax - Visualize in mind see themself how they want to be - write it out the picture in mind - I am so happy now that I see myself ....and write it out

Thoughts - How you want to be

Action - see and taking action to become , hold that picture for 20 sec

Feeling  - Happy, excited

Relax - Repetition of thoughts with good feeling

Appearamce - 20 idea method Brain tracy


This Affirmation Secret Works Every time! (Effortless Manifestation)

How to Talk to Yourself Correctly: To Manifest FAST

How to Manifest your Masculine Self

Concentration Exercise


1. 4 Roads of Thought

  • Class or Category
  • Part (Tree - Leaves, Root)
  • Quality (Colour, speed)
  • Proximity

2. use simple objects, such as a coin, a key, or a pen  (use the object like the car specification, mobile specification, bike specification of a particular model)

set timer 10 min , observe the object and then write about the object seeing the object the properties like colour

3. Mind Cooking - 5 min timer 

4. Mind Walking - 5 min timer

5. Draw an area map and different way to reach a destination

6.  Memorise a number like mobile number, atm, aadhar number


Here are 4 mental exercises that can help you get your focus back.

  1. Counting exercises
  • Take a random book and start counting the words in one paragraph. Don’t count them aloud and don’t point fingers at each word. Do it a couple times to get the count right. Then count the words in two paragraphs. When you see you are able to do two paragraphs easily, increase the number of paragraphs.
  • Count backward from 100 to 1, again, mentally and not aloud. Repeat the exercise. When you are comfortable with this range, increase it to 500, and so on.
  • Count backwards with variations. For example, skip the numbers in five, like 100, 95, 90, 85 etc. When you are comfortable with that, try a harder variation, like a count of three – 100, 97, 94 etc.
  1. Observation exercises
  • Take any physical object – a fruit, a toy, a book anything – and focus your entire mind on it. Observe its characters and features carefully and meticulously – like if it is an apple note what the colour is, how red or how green, if the shape crooked or smooth, the texture, the smell of it. Simultaneously, keep your mind from straying into other random thoughts. For example, your mind can stray from the apple to your grocery bills, but don’t think of those things. If your mind strays, gently bring it back to the contemplation of the apple. Start by observing for 3-5 minutes, and increase the time to 10-15 minutes in phases.
  • When you master the focused observation, try observing without thinking. When we think, we are usually having a conversation in our minds. We think in languages, and those language words bring out images from our memory stores. In this exercise, you try to observe without any kind of talking going on in your head. Don’t tell yourself if the apple is red or green or smooth or crooked. Just observe without thinking anything. Increase the observation time slowly.
  1. Visualizing exercises

After you have observed an object thoroughly for a few minutes, close your eyes and try to visualize it, exactly as you have observed it from different sides and angles. Try to imagine its texture, smell, shape, colour everything that you have noted with your eyes open. If the image tends to blur open your eyes, observe for two more minutes, then close them and try again.

  1. Focusing exercises

Sit in a quiet place and choose a word to focus on. It can be anything, as long as it has some positive or inspiring connotation for you – like ‘love’, ‘success’, ‘joy’, ‘courage’ etc. It can also be a phrase or a motto, whatever works for you. Now repeat this word or phrase constantly in your mind with complete attention for 5 minutes. Try to keep your mind focused on just the word/phrase and nothing else. When you find that comfortable, increase the time to 10 minutes.

Now, just like physical exercises, mental exercises too need a bit of preparation and warm-up. Follow these ground rules before starting any mental exercise.

  • Choose a comfortable place to sit with minimum disturbances, either visual or auditory.
  • Sit with your spine straight. You may sit cross-legged in a Yoga posture, or just sit in a chair. What matters is that you sit straight and comfortably.
  • Increase the intensity of the exercises slowly, and move to a bigger count only when you can comfortably and easily perform the previous step.
  • Remember these are not about success, but consistency. If you can’t get your focus back after 3 days, you are not supposed to. Keep at it and the effect will show.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Swami Satchidananda - Teachings


The Body Reflects the Mind

You Are Not Your Mind

Remedies for Negative Thinking

How to Gain Mastery Over the Mind

How to Develop Willpower

How To Heal Yourself

How to Deal with Difficult People

Mastering the Mind By Re-training the Senses

Mastering Your Emotions