Have the picture of OM in front of you. Concentrate gently on this picture with open eyes till tears flow profusely. Associate the ideas of eternity, infinity, immortality, etc., when you think of OM.
The humming of bees, the sweet notes of the nightingale, the seven tunes in music, and all sounds are emanations from OM only. OM is the essence of the Vedas.
Imagine that OM is the bow, the mind is the arrow and Brahman (God) is the target. Aim at the target with great care and just as the arrow becomes one with the target, you will become one with Brahman.
The short accent of OM burns all sins, the long accent gives Moksha, and the elongated accent bestows all psychic powers (Siddhis). He who chants and meditates upon this monosyllable OM, chants and meditates upon all the Scriptures of the world.
Chant OM from the very bottom of your heart with profound feeling . When chanting OM , knowing its omniscience , omnipotence and omnipresence , feel that OM gushes forth with its true colour , from every nerve , every vein , every cell , every atom , every molecule , every electron and the very blood corpuscles of your body . Pour forth OM vibrations into the world with mighty vigor , speed , force and strength . Get ready now for recharging . Now roar like a lion of Vedanta and chant OM .
The mysterious vibrations produced by the chanting of OM will produce one-pointedness of mind and harmony in the annamaya , pranamaya and manomaya Koshas ( food sheath , vital sheath , and mental sheath ) and make the mind in tune with the Infinite .
Drive away evil thoughts by chanting OM . Draw inspiration , power , and strength by singing OM . Get one-pointedness of mind by doing japa of OM . Melt the mind in Brahman by meditating on OM and rest in your own Satchidananda Swarupa . May that OM guide you , protect you , elevate you , take you to the goal , and free you .
Whenever you feel depressed , whenever you get a little headache , take a brisk walk and chant OM while walking . While chanting OM feel that your entire being is filled with divine energy . Chanting of OM is a potent , easily available tonic and specific for all diseases . OM is a panacea or sovereign remedy for all ailments . Try this prescription yourself and feel the miraculous effects of this divine medicine . Just as you take medicine , take recourse to the chanting of OM . Brahman , the Atman , is one with OM . Chanting of OM means going near to the source and tapping the cosmic energy which is inexhaustible .
When you chant OM feel : " All health I am " . All pathogenic or disease-causing germs are destroyed or burnt by the vibrations of OM . You can chant OM while sitting on any comfortable asana in your room for the purpose of regaining , maintaining or improving your health .