Sunday 15 September 2024

Mental Workout


Key Components of  Mental Workout

1. Setting Clear Goals

  • Define Specific Goals: Establish clear, measurable goals. These should be specific, challenging yet achievable, and time-bound.
  • Visualize Success: Regularly visualize achieving these goals in detail. This helps create a strong mental image and reinforces commitment.

2. Positive Self-Talk

  • Develop Positive Affirmations: Create affirmations that counter negative thoughts and reinforce confidence and resilience. Examples include, “I am capable and strong,” or “I am prepared and focused.”
  • Practice Daily: Repeat these affirmations daily to build a positive mindset and reinforce self-belief.

3. Focus on Process, Not Just Outcome

  • Process-Oriented Goals: Focus on the processes and behaviors that lead to success rather than just the end result. For example, if your goal is to improve your public speaking, focus on practicing regularly and receiving feedback.
  • Manageable Steps: Break down your goals into manageable steps or tasks and concentrate on executing these effectively.

4. Build Mental Resilience

  • Embrace Challenges: View obstacles and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Develop strategies to cope with and learn from challenges.
  • Resilience Techniques: Practice techniques like reframing (changing the way you think about challenges) and mindfulness to build resilience.

5. Develop Mental Rehearsal Techniques

  • Mental Rehearsal: Regularly practice visualizing the successful execution of tasks or goals. This involves imagining the process in detail, from start to finish.
  • Detailed Visualization: Include sensory details in your visualization—what you see, hear, feel, and experience during the successful completion of your goals.

6. Monitor and Adjust

  • Track Progress: Regularly assess your progress toward goals and adjust your strategies as needed. Use tools like journals or apps to track your development.
  • Reflect and Adapt: Reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Be willing to adapt your approach based on feedback and experience.

7. Practice Mental Conditioning Exercises

  • Mental Drills: Engage in specific mental drills or exercises designed to enhance focus, confidence, and performance. For example, setting aside time each day for focused attention exercises or engaging in problem-solving activities.
  • Regular Routine: Integrate these exercises into your daily routine to build and maintain mental strength.

Example of a Mental Workout Routine

  1. Morning Affirmation (2 minutes):

    • Start your day by repeating your positive affirmations. Focus on feeling the meaning behind each affirmation.
  2. Goal Visualization (5 minutes):

    • Sit in a quiet space and visualize yourself achieving your goals. Imagine every detail of the process and experience the emotions associated with success.
  3. Process Focus (5 minutes):

    • Identify the key tasks or behaviors that will lead to your goal. Write down or review your plan to ensure you’re focused on these steps.
  4. Mental Rehearsal (5 minutes):

    • Practice a mental rehearsal of a specific task or situation related to your goal. Visualize yourself performing successfully and handling any challenges with confidence.
  5. Reflection and Adjustment (3 minutes):

    • Reflect on your progress and any obstacles you encountered. Adjust your plan or strategies as needed to stay on track.

Calming Visualization Exercise: Wide Black Screen

 Using visualization techniques, such as imagining a wide black screen, can be a powerful way to calm your mind and reduce stress. Here’s a step-by-step guide for this calming exercise:

Calming Visualization Exercise: Wide Black Screen

1. Find a Comfortable Position

  • Sit or Lie Down: Choose a comfortable position where you can relax without distractions. You might sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or lie down on your back.

2. Close Your Eyes

  • Gently Close Your Eyes: Allow your eyelids to close softly. Focus on creating a sense of relaxation and comfort.

3. Take Deep Breaths

  • Inhale Deeply: Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand.
  • Exhale Slowly: Breathe out through your mouth, letting go of any tension. Repeat this a few times to center yourself.

4. Visualize the Black Screen

  • Imagine a Wide Black Screen: Picture a large, wide black screen in your mind. It’s completely blank and free from any images or distractions.
  • Focus on the Screen: Let your attention settle on this black screen. It represents a neutral, calm space devoid of any stressors or worries.

5. Clear Your Mind

  • Acknowledge Your Thoughts: If thoughts or distractions arise, gently acknowledge them without judgment.
  • Return to the Black Screen: Redirect your focus back to the wide black screen. Imagine it absorbing or dissolving any intrusive thoughts.

6. Deepen the Relaxation

  • Expand the Screen: Visualize the black screen growing wider and deeper, enveloping your entire mental space. Allow it to create a sense of vastness and openness.
  • Feel the Calm: As you focus on the screen, imagine a sense of calm washing over you. Let go of any remaining tension or stress with each breath.

7. Maintain Focus

  • Stay Present: Keep your attention on the black screen for a few minutes. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the screen.
  • Embrace Stillness: Allow yourself to experience the stillness and tranquility that the visualization provides.

8. Gradually Conclude the Exercise

  • Slowly Open Your Eyes: When you feel ready to conclude, start bringing your awareness back to the present moment. Gently open your eyes.
  • Take a Moment: Take a few deep breaths and notice how you feel. Allow yourself to transition back to your daily activities with a sense of calm and relaxation.

Benefits of the Exercise

  • Reduces Stress: Focusing on a simple, calming image helps reduce mental clutter and lower stress levels.
  • Enhances Focus: This visualization can help improve concentration and mental clarity by clearing away distractions.
  • Promotes Relaxation: The exercise encourages deep breathing and mindfulness, both of which contribute to a relaxed state.

Tips for Effectiveness

  • Practice Regularly: Incorporate this exercise into your daily routine or use it whenever you need a moment of calm.
  • Create a Peaceful Environment: If possible, choose a quiet and comfortable space for the exercise to enhance relaxation.
  • Be Patient: It may take some practice to fully clear your mind and stay focused on the black screen. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing.

By using this simple visualization technique, you can create a mental space of tranquility and calm, helping you manage stress and maintain a sense of peace throughout your day.



"I can, I will" is a powerful mantra that embodies a mindset of self-belief and determination. Using this mantra can help reinforce your confidence and commitment to achieving your goals. Here’s how you can effectively incorporate and utilize this mantra:

 "I can" is the belief; "I will" is the action. It's powerful combo that propels you forward.

1. Understand the Power of the Mantra

  • Affirmation of Belief: "I can" reinforces your belief in your ability to achieve something, while "I will" emphasizes your commitment and determination to take action.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Repeating this mantra helps build a positive and proactive mindset, which is essential for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated.

2. Incorporate It into Your Daily Routine

  • Morning Affirmation: Start your day by repeating "I can, I will" to set a positive tone and boost your confidence for the day ahead.
  • Visual Reminders: Write the mantra on sticky notes or set it as a reminder on your phone. Place it where you can see it regularly to reinforce your commitment.

3. Use It During Challenges

  • Overcoming Doubts: When facing self-doubt or difficulties, repeat "I can, I will" to remind yourself of your capabilities and determination.
  • Boosting Resilience: Use the mantra to help you push through challenging situations and maintain focus on your goals.

4. Pair with Specific Goals

  • Personalize It: Attach specific goals to the mantra. For example, if you’re working on a fitness goal, you might say, "I can achieve my fitness goals; I will train consistently."
  • Action Plan: Use the mantra as part of a broader action plan. Outline concrete steps you will take to reach your goals and reinforce your commitment with "I can, I will."

5. Visualize Success

  • Imagine Achieving Goals: As you repeat the mantra, visualize yourself succeeding. Imagine the steps you’ll take and the positive outcomes of your efforts.
  • Feel the Emotions: Connect with the emotions of success and accomplishment while repeating the mantra.

6. Integrate with Daily Practices

  • Mindfulness Practice: Combine the mantra with mindfulness exercises. For instance, as you meditate or practice deep breathing, repeat "I can, I will" to strengthen your focus and resolve.
  • Journaling: Write about your goals and progress in a journal, incorporating the mantra as a part of your reflections.

7. Share with Others

  • Encouragement: Share the mantra with friends, family, or colleagues to inspire and support each other. Use it as a motivational tool in group settings or team environments.
  • Accountability: Use the mantra to hold yourself accountable. Share your commitment with others to reinforce your determination.

8. Celebrate Achievements

  • Acknowledge Progress: Celebrate milestones and achievements by reflecting on how the mantra helped you stay focused and determined. Recognizing your progress reinforces the effectiveness of the mantra.

By regularly using "I can, I will," you cultivate a mindset that embraces challenges with confidence and commitment. This mantra can serve as a powerful reminder of your inner strength and drive, helping you stay focused on achieving your goals.

Using the mantra "I can, I will" in different contexts can help reinforce determination and confidence. Here are some practical examples of how you can apply this mantra in various areas of your life:

1. Personal Development

  • Learning a New Skill:

    • Mantra: "I can learn this new skill; I will practice daily until I master it."
    • Application: Commit to dedicating time each day to learning and practicing the skill. Track your progress and celebrate improvements.
  • Overcoming Procrastination:

    • Mantra: "I can overcome procrastination; I will start working on my tasks now."
    • Application: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and begin working on them immediately to build momentum.

2. Career Goals

  • Achieving a Promotion:

    • Mantra: "I can earn this promotion; I will work hard and demonstrate my capabilities."
    • Application: Set specific career goals, take on additional responsibilities, and seek feedback to improve your performance.
  • Starting a New Business:

    • Mantra: "I can succeed in my business venture; I will plan and execute my business strategies effectively."
    • Application: Develop a business plan, seek advice from mentors, and take consistent actions towards launching and growing your business.

3. Health and Fitness

                Fitness Goals: Say you're aiming to run a marathon. "I can" recognize that you have the                         stamina and dedication. "I will" commit to a strict training regimen, waking up early and                         hitting the track consistently.

  • Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle:

    • Mantra: "I can lead a healthy lifestyle; I will make nutritious choices and exercise regularly."
    • Application: Plan and follow a balanced diet and exercise routine. Track your progress and adjust your plan as needed.
  • Training for a Marathon:

    • Mantra: "I can complete this marathon; I will follow my training plan and stay committed."
    • Application: Adhere to a structured training schedule, gradually increase your mileage, and maintain a positive mindset.

4. Academic Achievement

  • Completing a Degree:

    • Mantra: "I can complete my degree; I will stay focused and excel in my studies."
    • Application: Create a study schedule, seek help when needed, and stay organized to manage your coursework and exams effectively.
  • Passing a Certification Exam:

    • Mantra: "I can pass this certification exam; I will study thoroughly and prepare with practice tests."
    • Application: Develop a study plan, utilize study materials, and regularly assess your readiness with practice exams.

5. Relationships

  • Improving Communication:

    • Mantra: "I can improve my communication skills; I will actively listen and express myself clearly."
    • Application: Practice active listening, seek feedback from others, and work on expressing your thoughts and feelings more effectively.
  • Building Stronger Connections:

    • Mantra: "I can build stronger relationships; I will make time for meaningful interactions and show appreciation."
    • Application: Schedule regular quality time with loved ones, engage in open conversations, and show gratitude for their presence in your life.

6. Financial Goals

  • Saving for a Major Purchase:

    • Mantra: "I can save for this major purchase; I will budget wisely and stick to my savings plan."
    • Application: Create a detailed budget, set savings goals, and track your progress to ensure you stay on target.
  • Paying Off Debt:

    • Mantra: "I can pay off my debt; I will make regular payments and manage my expenses responsibly."
    • Application: Develop a debt repayment strategy, cut unnecessary expenses, and make consistent payments to reduce your debt.

By incorporating "I can, I will" into these various aspects of life, you reinforce a mindset of capability and determination. This mantra helps you stay focused, overcome obstacles, and take proactive steps towards achieving your goals.


To improve skills

Using "I can, I will" to improve skills involves reinforcing your belief in your ability to develop the skill and committing to consistent action. Here’s how you can apply this mantra to different types of skill improvement:

1. Learning a New Language

  • Mantra: "I can learn this new language; I will practice speaking, reading, and listening every day."
  • Application: Set aside dedicated time each day for language practice. Use language learning apps, take online courses, and engage in conversations with native speakers.

2. Enhancing Public Speaking

  • Mantra: "I can become a better public speaker; I will rehearse my speeches and seek feedback."
  • Application: Join a public speaking club like Toastmasters, practice your speeches regularly, and ask for constructive feedback from peers or mentors.

3. Improving Writing Skills

  • Mantra: "I can improve my writing skills; I will write daily and revise my work based on feedback."
  • Application: Set a writing schedule, read extensively to understand different writing styles, and seek feedback from editors or writing groups.

4. Developing Coding Skills

  • Mantra: "I can master coding; I will work on coding exercises and projects regularly."
  • Application: Enroll in coding courses or bootcamps, work on personal or open-source projects, and practice coding challenges to build your skills.

5. Mastering a Musical Instrument

  • Mantra: "I can master this musical instrument; I will practice daily and take lessons to improve my technique."
  • Application: Create a practice routine, schedule regular lessons with a teacher, and set specific goals for each practice session.

6. Improving Athletic Performance

  • Mantra: "I can enhance my athletic performance; I will follow my training plan and focus on nutrition and recovery."
  • Application: Develop a structured training plan, work with a coach if possible, and ensure you are getting adequate rest and nutrition to support your training.

7. Acquiring Cooking Skills

  • Mantra: "I can become a skilled cook; I will try new recipes and learn different cooking techniques."
  • Application: Experiment with new recipes, take cooking classes, and watch instructional videos to expand your culinary knowledge and skills.

8. Enhancing Leadership Abilities

  • Mantra: "I can improve my leadership skills; I will seek leadership opportunities and learn from experienced leaders."
  • Application: Take on leadership roles in projects or volunteer work, attend leadership workshops, and read books on leadership to develop your skills.

9. Improving Time Management

  • Mantra: "I can master time management; I will use tools and techniques to plan and prioritize my tasks effectively."
  • Application: Implement time management tools like planners or apps, set clear priorities, and regularly review and adjust your schedule to optimize productivity.

10. Building Emotional Intelligence

  • Mantra: "I can develop my emotional intelligence; I will practice self-awareness and empathy in my interactions."
  • Application: Engage in self-reflection, seek feedback from others, and work on understanding and managing your emotions and those of others.

Steps to Integrate "I Can, I Will":

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define what specific skill you want to improve and outline the steps needed to achieve proficiency.
  2. Create an Action Plan: Develop a structured plan with actionable steps and milestones.
  3. Commit to Consistent Practice: Make practicing the skill a regular part of your routine.
  4. Track Progress: Monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.
  5. Stay Motivated: Use the mantra daily to reinforce your commitment and remind yourself of your capabilities.
  6. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach.

By consistently applying "I can, I will" to your skill development, you foster a mindset of capability and commitment, which can significantly enhance your ability to improve and excel in any area.


Using "I can, I will" during hard times can be a powerful way to maintain resilience and focus. It reinforces your inner strength and commitment to overcoming challenges. Here’s how you can apply this mantra to navigate difficult situations:

1. Facing Personal Challenges

  • Mantra: "I can overcome this challenge; I will take it one step at a time."
  • Application: Break down the challenge into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on tackling one step at a time and seek support from friends, family, or professionals as needed.

2. Dealing with Health Issues

  • Mantra: "I can manage my health; I will follow my treatment plan and take care of myself."
  • Application: Adhere to medical advice, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and actively engage in self-care practices to support your recovery or manage your condition.

3. Navigating Job Loss or Career Setbacks

  • Mantra: "I can find new opportunities; I will network, update my resume, and stay proactive in my job search."
  • Application: Use this time to explore new career paths, enhance your skills through courses or training, and actively seek job opportunities or career advice.

4. Coping with Financial Difficulties

  • Mantra: "I can improve my financial situation; I will create a budget, reduce expenses, and seek financial advice."
  • Application: Develop a budget to manage your expenses, identify ways to increase your income, and seek advice from financial experts to improve your financial health.

5. Managing Stress or Anxiety

  • Mantra: "I can manage my stress; I will practice relaxation techniques and seek support when needed."
  • Application: Incorporate stress management practices like mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Consider seeking therapy or counseling if needed.

6. Handling Relationship Difficulties

  • Mantra: "I can improve this relationship; I will communicate openly and work on resolving conflicts."
  • Application: Engage in open and honest conversations with the other person, seek to understand their perspective, and work together to address and resolve issues.

7. Overcoming Academic or Learning Obstacles

  • Mantra: "I can overcome academic challenges; I will seek help, stay organized, and put in consistent effort."
  • Application: Reach out for academic support from teachers, tutors, or study groups. Develop a study plan and stay disciplined in your efforts to improve your understanding and performance.

8. Confronting Loss or Grief

  • Mantra: "I can navigate my grief; I will allow myself to feel and seek support from others."
  • Application: Allow yourself to grieve and express your emotions. Seek support from friends, family, or support groups to help you through the process.

9. Dealing with Setbacks in Personal Goals

  • Mantra: "I can get back on track; I will reassess my goals and adjust my plan as needed."
  • Application: Reevaluate your goals and strategies. Adjust your plans to overcome any obstacles and remain committed to your objectives.

10. Facing Uncertainty or Change

  • Mantra: "I can handle uncertainty; I will adapt and stay positive through the changes."
  • Application: Embrace flexibility and adaptability. Focus on what you can control and maintain a positive outlook as you navigate through the changes.

"I will" is a powerful declaration of intent and self-determination. It signifies a commitment to take action and achieve goals despite challenges or setbacks. Here are some examples of how you can use "I will" in various contexts to reinforce your determination and drive:

1. Personal Growth

  • Improving Self-Discipline:

    • Statement: "I will develop better self-discipline by sticking to my daily routines and avoiding procrastination."
    • Action: Create a daily schedule and set reminders to follow through with tasks.
  • Building Confidence:

    • Statement: "I will build my confidence by setting small, achievable goals and celebrating my successes."
    • Action: Set a series of small goals, such as speaking up in meetings, and acknowledge your achievements.

2. Health and Fitness

  • Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle:

    • Statement: "I will adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating balanced meals and exercising regularly."
    • Action: Plan your meals, prepare healthy snacks, and schedule regular workout sessions.
  • Training for a Race:

    • Statement: "I will train for the marathon by following my training plan and gradually increasing my running distance."
    • Action: Follow a structured training program, track your progress, and adjust your plan as needed.

3. Career Development

  • Pursuing a Promotion:

    • Statement: "I will work towards a promotion by improving my skills and taking on additional responsibilities."
    • Action: Identify areas for skill improvement, seek feedback, and volunteer for challenging projects.
  • Starting a Business:

    • Statement: "I will start my own business by conducting market research and creating a detailed business plan."
    • Action: Research your market, draft your business plan, and take steps towards launching your business.

4. Academic Achievement

  • Completing a Degree:

    • Statement: "I will complete my degree by staying focused on my studies and managing my time effectively."
    • Action: Create a study schedule, attend all classes, and seek help when needed.
  • Passing an Exam:

    • Statement: "I will pass my certification exam by studying thoroughly and practicing with sample tests."
    • Action: Allocate time for focused study sessions, use practice exams, and review key concepts regularly.

5. Financial Goals

  • Saving Money:

    • Statement: "I will save money each month by budgeting wisely and cutting unnecessary expenses."
    • Action: Create a monthly budget, track your spending, and identify areas where you can cut costs.
  • Paying Off Debt:

    • Statement: "I will pay off my debt by making regular payments and prioritizing high-interest debts first."
    • Action: Develop a debt repayment plan, automate payments, and review your financial strategy regularly.

6. Relationships

  • Improving Communication:

    • Statement: "I will improve my communication with my partner by actively listening and expressing myself clearly."
    • Action: Practice active listening techniques, have regular check-ins, and work on articulating your thoughts and feelings.
  • Strengthening Friendships:

    • Statement: "I will strengthen my friendships by making time for meaningful interactions and showing appreciation."
    • Action: Schedule regular catch-ups, send thoughtful messages, and be present in your friends’ lives.

7. Personal Hobbies

  • Learning a New Skill:

    • Statement: "I will learn to play the guitar by practicing daily and taking lessons to improve my technique."
    • Action: Set aside time each day for practice, enroll in lessons, and track your progress.
  • Developing a Craft:

    • Statement: "I will improve my painting skills by dedicating time each week to practice and experiment with new techniques."
    • Action: Create a weekly painting schedule, explore different techniques, and seek feedback from other artists.

8. Managing Stress

  • Practicing Mindfulness:

    • Statement: "I will manage my stress by incorporating mindfulness practices into my daily routine."
    • Action: Set aside time for meditation or deep breathing exercises, and incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily activities.
  • Balancing Work and Life:

    • Statement: "I will achieve a better work-life balance by setting boundaries and scheduling regular breaks."
    • Action: Define clear work hours, schedule time for relaxation and activities, and stick to your boundaries

For Students

Certainly! The "I can and I will" mindset is all about empowering students to believe in their abilities and commit to their goals. Here are a few examples of how students can apply this approach in different scenarios:

Example 1: Academic Achievement

Scenario: A student is struggling with math and has a big test coming up.

"I can and I will" Statement:

  • "I can improve my math skills with practice, and I will dedicate an hour each day to studying and working on practice problems."

Action Plan:

  1. Identify Weak Areas: Review past tests and homework to pinpoint which topics need more attention.
  2. Create a Study Schedule: Allocate time each day for focused study sessions.
  3. Seek Help: Ask for help from a teacher or tutor if needed.

Example 2: Sports Performance

Scenario: A student wants to improve their performance in soccer.

"I can and I will" Statement:

  • "I can enhance my soccer skills through consistent practice, and I will attend every practice session and work on my weaknesses, like dribbling and endurance."

Action Plan:

  1. Set Specific Goals: Identify particular skills to work on (e.g., dribbling, shooting).
  2. Practice Regularly: Stick to a practice routine that targets these skills.
  3. Monitor Progress: Keep track of improvements and adjust practice as needed.

Example 3: Time Management

Scenario: A student has trouble balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social life.

"I can and I will" Statement:

  • "I can manage my time effectively by organizing my tasks, and I will create a daily schedule that includes time for studying, activities, and relaxation."

Action Plan:

  1. Create a Schedule: Use a planner or digital calendar to map out daily activities and deadlines.
  2. Prioritize Tasks: Identify and tackle high-priority tasks first.
  3. Stick to the Plan: Follow the schedule as closely as possible and adjust as needed.

Example 4: Overcoming Procrastination

Scenario: A student tends to procrastinate on assignments.

"I can and I will" Statement:

  • "I can overcome procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller steps, and I will complete at least one step of my assignment each day until it’s done."

Action Plan:

  1. Break Down Tasks: Divide large assignments into manageable parts.
  2. Set Daily Goals: Focus on completing one part of the assignment each day.
  3. Reward Yourself: Celebrate small achievements to stay motivated.

Example 5: Personal Growth

Scenario: A student wants to build confidence in public speaking.

"I can and I will" Statement:

  • "I can become a better public speaker through practice, and I will join a public speaking club and practice speaking in front of small groups regularly."

Action Plan:

  1. Join a Club: Look for a local or school public speaking group.
  2. Practice Regularly: Take every opportunity to speak in front of others, even in small settings.
  3. Seek Feedback: Ask for constructive feedback to improve.

By using "I can and I will" statements, students can set clear intentions and develop actionable plans to achieve their goals. This approach helps foster a sense of ownership and commitment to their success.


Sunday 8 September 2024

Recommended Books and Productivity Videos


Books about Mind, Subconscious Mind, Mind Power

1  எண்ணங்கள் - M.S. Udhayamoorthy

2  à®®ெஸ்à®®ெà®°ிசம் ஹிப்னாடிசம் - பி. எஸ். ஆச்சாà®°்யா - நர்மதா பதிப்பகம்

ஆழ் மனதின் à®…à®±்புத சக்திகள் - by என். கணேசன் (N.Ganeshan)

Books on Self Improement

1 The Magic of Thinking Big

2 Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Productivity Videos

10 Things You Must Improve Daily - Earl Nightingale Motivation (

Act Like The Person You Want to Be - Earl Nightingale Motivation (


Earl Nightingale Quotes

3. “You can control your attitude. Set it each morning.”

4. “It is our attitude toward life that determines life’s attitude toward us. We get back what we put out.”

9. “Don’t take the attitude of waiting for people to be nice to you – be nice to them.”

10. “Be positive, cheerful, grateful and expectant.”

11. “Always keep that happy attitude. Pretend that you are holding a beautiful fragrant bouquet.”

12. “Don’t wait for change. You change.”

13. “Develop and project an attitude that says ‘yes’ to life.”

14. “You must radiate success before it’ll come to you.”

15. “Treat every person as the most important person on earth. To them, they are the most important person.”

16. “People don’t have great attitudes because of great success, they have great success largely because of great attitudes.”

17. “Don’t catch the bad and infectious attitudes of others.”

22. “Set worthy goals. Don’t drift along as a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”

23. “Success is not a destination but a journey. Anyone who is on course toward a worthy goal is successful. Success does not lie in the achievement of a goal but in its pursuit. Success is a journey!”

24. “One thing a goal must do is fill us with positive emotion when we think about it. The more intensely we feel about a goal the more progressively we’ll move toward it.”

25. “Control your thoughts. Decide about that which you will think and concentrate upon. You are in charge of your life to the degree you take charge of your thoughts.”

26. “Spend one hour every day thinking about your goal and how to get there.”

27. “Don’t waste time thinking about needless things.”

32. “Make the best use of what you have and what you are in the time you’ve been granted.”

44. “Success is not the result of making money; earning money is the result of success — and success is in direct proportion to our service.”

Tuesday 27 August 2024


Three Important technique in mind related practices

  • Relaxation
  • Imagination
  • Auto suggestion



Life has become very complex in these days. The struggle for existence is very acute and keen. There is very unhealthy competition in every walk of life. The bread problem has become very difficult. There is unemployment everywhere. Brilliant young men with extraordinary qualifications and recommendations alone get a job in these days. Therefore a great deal of continuous mental and physical strain is imposed on modern humanity by its deadening daily work and unhealthy mode of life.

Action produces movement; movements cause habits. Man has acquired many artificial habits. He has allowed nature's original habits to lapse. He has brought tension in many muscles and nerves through incorrect habit-positions. He has forgotten the first principles of relaxation. He will have to learn lessons from the cat, dog and the infant in the Science of Relaxation.

If you practise relaxation no energy will be wasted. You will be very active and energetic. During relaxation the muscles and nerves are at rest. The Prana or energy is stored up and conserved. The vast majority of persons who have no comprehensive understanding of this beautiful science of relaxation simply waste their energies by creating unnecessary movements of muscles and by putting the muscles and nerves under great strain.

Some persons shake their legs unnecessarily while sitting. Some play Mridang or Tabla (drum) with their fingers on the table when their minds are idle or vacant. Some whistle. Some shake their heads. Some tap their chests or abdomen with their fingers. Energy is thus dissipated through unnecessary movements of the different parts of the body on account of lack of knowledge of the elementary principles of the science of relaxation.

Do not mistake laziness for relaxation. The lazy man is inactive. He has no inclination for work. He is full of lethargy and inertia. He is dull. Whereas a man who practises relaxation takes only rest. He has vigour, strength, vitality and endurance. He never allows even a small amount of energy to trickle away. He accomplishes wonderful work gracefully in a minimum amount of time.

When you wish to contract a muscle in order to perform an action an impulse is transmitted from the brain through the nerve to the muscle. Energy or Prana travels through the motor nerves, reaches the muscle and causes it to draw its ends together. When the muscle contracts it pulls up the limb which you wish to move. Now you can perform the action with ease. First there is thought. Thought takes form in action through contraction of muscles.

Suppose you wish to lift up a chair. The desire creates an impulse in the brain. The impulse is transmitted to the muscles of the arms from the brain through the motor nerves. A current of Prana or energy is transmitted along the nerves from the brain. The muscles contract and you perform the action of lifting up the chair. Similarly all other actions, conscious or unconscious, are performed by you. If the muscles are overworked more energy is spent and you feel fatigue. There is much wear and tear in the muscles through overwork, strain and tension on account of heavy expenditure of Prana or energy.

When you perform an action consciously a message is given to the mind and the mind immediately obeys by sending a current of energy to the desired part. An unconscious act is done instinctively or mechanically. The mind does not wait for orders. When the scorpion stings your finger, the finger is at once withdrawn. You do not argue here. This is an instinctive or mechanical movement.

A man of easily irritable nature cannot enjoy peace of mind. His brain, nerves and muscles are always under high tension. He is wasting every minute abundant muscular and nerve energy and brain-power. He is a very weak man though he may be endowed with physical strength, because he loses his balance of mind very easily. If you really want to enjoy unruffled peace and abiding joy you must try to possess a calm, controlled and balanced mind by eradicating worry, anxieties, fear, anger impulses and repressing impulses.

You do not gain anything by worrying yourself unnecessarily and manifesting anger for nothing at all. Anger belongs to a brutal nature. Anger does positive injury to the brain, the blood and the nerves. You are not profited a bit by exhibiting anger. By repeating an action, a habit is formed in the mind. If you worry yourself frequently, a worrying habit is developed. Your vitality and energy are simply drained by worry, anger and fear. Why should you be afraid of anything at all, when everything is nothing but your own self? Fear, anger and worry are the products of ignorance. The muscles and nerves of a victim of anger and worry are always under contraction and high tension.

The action of one set of muscles can be checked by the operation of another set of muscles. One impulse may try to put one set of muscles in motion and by sending another repressive impulse through another set of muscles you can counteract the action of the first set of muscles. If a man abuses you, you may jump at once to beat him. An impulse has already put one set of muscles in motion. You may check the impulse through discrimination and refection: "I do not gain anything by beating him. He is an ignorant man. He does not know how to behave. Let me forgive him now." A repressive impulse will check at once the operation of the first set of muscles by another set of muscles. Raising of impulses and counter-impulses or repressing impulses cause high tension in nerves, muscles and brain. A large number of people are slaves of impulses; hence they do not enjoy peace of mind. They are tossed hither and thither.

The science of relaxation is an exact science. It can be learnt very easily. Relaxation of the muscles is as important as contraction of the muscles. I lay great emphasis on the relaxation of the mind, the nerves and the muscles.

Relaxation is of two kinds, viz., Mental Relaxation and Physical Relaxation. There is another classification. If you relax certain muscles of certain parts only, it is partial relaxation. If you relax all the muscles of the whole body, it is complete relaxation.





You must know how to relax all the muscles of your body after you have finished your daily course of exercises. The practice of relaxing the muscles of the body will bring rest to the body and the mind also. The tension of the muscles of the body will be relieved. People who know the science of relaxation do not waste any energy. They can meditate well.

After finishing your exercises and Asans, lie down flat on your back. Keep the hands on the sides quite relaxed. Keep them quite loose. You may practise Savasan or Murdhasan. Relax all the muscles from head to foot. Roll the mind over the body from top to toe. You may find that certain muscles are not completely relaxed. Relax them also.

Roll on to one side and then relax as thoroughly as you can. Do not strain any muscles. Relax completely. Roll on to the other side and then relax again. This is done naturally by all during sleep. There are various exercises for relaxation for the particular muscles of the different parts of the body. You can relax the head, the shoulder, the arms, the forearms, the wrist, fingers, thighs, legs, ankles, toes, knees, elbows, the waist, etc. Yogis and Phailwans know the science of relaxation thoroughly. When you practise these various exercises in relaxation, you must bear in your mind a picture of calmness and strength.

If you like you can practise relaxation by lying in an easy chair after finishing your Asans or exercises. Those who know relaxation can take a short nap of ten minutes or so at any time they like. Busy people, doctors and lawyers should know the science of relaxation. They can relax the mind also and take rest in the waiting rooms of railway stations and bar rooms as well. They will thus be quite fit for further activity in the courts or the dispensary. Relaxation refreshes a man completely.

Students, journalists, busy lawyers, doctors and business men should know the science of mental relaxation. They should practise it daily. Those who do not possess a knowledge of this science of internal and external relaxation waste their physical and mental energy considerably. Those who practise relaxation can conserve their physical and mental energy and utilise it to their best advantage. Yogis know this science well. They are perfect masters of this useful science. Those who practise relaxation will never experience fatigue. They can close their eyes for a few minutes even while standing and so prepare themselves for further work. Energy flows in their nerves when they relax just as water flows when the tap is turned open.


The woman who can never relax, never take a real rest, will not retain beauty. Her face will show signs of the fatigue her body is undergoing. Her body will lack poise. By being in a continual state of nervous tension (as many women are) she will grow old before her time, lose her looks, find that the tension has sapped all her strength away.

Once in the morning and once in the afternoon, relax completely for ten minutes at least. No matter how urgent the task, stick to this rule. Sit on a very comfortable chair, or lie flat on a mattress; prop up the legs about eighteen inches from the ground with a stiff cushion under the knees, and let every muscle go 'flop?' A cushion under the head, if lying on the mattress, will relax the neck muscles. Close the eyes. Make the mind blank.

The idea of propping up the legs is to make the spine lie flat and to cool the feet by letting the blood run away from them. When resting in a chair, prop up the legs and relax every muscle. It will not come easily at first, but it can be turned into a habit.

There are many jobs which can be done in a sitting position-darning, mending and sewing, machine work. Be careful to sit correctly in order to avoid fatigue. Only a few women are aware of the fact that a faulty position may enlarge the hips. Never sit on the edge of a chair. Place the body well back and have a firm cushion to support the lower part of the back. Another thing to remember is to choose a chair of the correct height. Do not cross the legs. Sit with the knees and feet close together and firmly planted on the floor or on a stool.

Fatigue can be avoided at other tasks by adopting a correct standing posture. When a job necessitates your being on the feet for a long time, keep the knees and heels close together. This makes a pillar on which the body can rest. The weight of the body is not thrown on one leg or the other, but is distributed evenly on both.



Just as you relax your muscles after having finished your Asans and physical exercises, so also you will have to relax the mind and rest it after concentration and meditation after the practice of memory training and will-culture. Relaxation of the muscles brings repose to the mind. Relaxation of the mind brings rest to the body as well. The body and mind are intimately connected. The body is a mould prepared by the mind for its enjoyment.

The mind gathers experiences through the body and works in conjunction with the Prana, senses and body. The mind has influence over the body. If you are cheerful the body also will be healthy and strong. When you are feeling depressed, the body cannot work. Conversely the body has some influence over the mind. If the body is healthy and strong, the mind will also be happy, cheerful and strong. If there is a stomachache, the mind cannot work. Thought takes form in action and action reacts on the mind. The mind acts on the body and the body reacts on the mind.

Removal of tendon in the muscles brings repose and calmness to the mind.

By relaxation you give rest to the mind, tired nerves and the overworked muscles. You will get immense peace of mind, strength and vigour. When you practise relaxation of either body or mind, the brain should not be occupied with various sorts of loose extraneous thoughts. Anger, dis-appointment, failure, indisposition, misery, sorrow, quarrels cause internal mental strain. The practice of relaxation of mind will remove internal mental strain and will fill the mind with new mental energy and will make you cheerful and happy.

Mental poise and calmness may be brought about by the eradication of worry and anger. Fear really underlies both worry and anger. Nothing is gained by worry and anger, but on the contrary much energy is wasted by these two kinds of lower emotions. Be careful and thoughtful. All unnecessary worries should be avoided. Expel from you all fear, worry and anger. Think of courage, Joy, bliss, peace and cheerfulness. Sit for fifteen minutes in a relaxed state and an easy comfortable position. You can lie on an easy chair. Close your eyes. Withdraw the mind from outside objects. Still the mind. Silence the bubbling thoughts.


Close the eyes. Think of anything that is pleasant. This will relax the mind in a wonderful manner. Think of the mighty Himalayas, the sacred Ganges, and striking scenery in Kashmir, the Taj Mahal, the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, a lovely sunset, the vast expanse of ocean or the infinite blue sky. Imagine that the whole world and your body are floating like a straw in this vast ocean of spirit. Feel that you are in touch with the Supreme Being. Feel that the life of the whole world is pulsating, vibrating and throbbing through you. Feel that Lord Hiranyagarbha, the ocean of life, is gently rocking you on His vast bosom. Then open your eyes. You will experience immense mental peace, mental vigour and mental strength. Practise and feel this.

Monday 26 June 2023

Visualization - How to

Relaxing - set timer for 1 minute, pause for 10-15 seconds,  close your eyes (it would be dark) imagine a wide black screen and focus on that 

Practice Silence - Practice silence for 10 min every day by sitiing quietly without giving in to the mind's urge to pick up the phone, text someone, get something to eat or drink. If  you are tempted to text a friend or write down something with in those 10 minutes, wait. It means you are not in a reactive state. let the moment pass. Don't be a slave to your urges.

Bob Proctor SEE YOURSELF -

Body Relax - Visualize in mind see themself how they want to be - write it out the picture in mind - I am so happy now that I see myself ....and write it out

Thoughts - How you want to be

Action - see and taking action to become , hold that picture for 20 sec

Feeling  - Happy, excited

Relax - Repetition of thoughts with good feeling

Appearamce - 20 idea method Brain tracy


This Affirmation Secret Works Every time! (Effortless Manifestation)

How to Talk to Yourself Correctly: To Manifest FAST

How to Manifest your Masculine Self

Concentration Exercise


1. 4 Roads of Thought

  • Class or Category
  • Part (Tree - Leaves, Root)
  • Quality (Colour, speed)
  • Proximity

2. use simple objects, such as a coin, a key, or a pen  (use the object like the car specification, mobile specification, bike specification of a particular model)

set timer 10 min , observe the object and then write about the object seeing the object the properties like colour

3. Mind Cooking - 5 min timer 

4. Mind Walking - 5 min timer

5. Draw an area map and different way to reach a destination

6.  Memorise a number like mobile number, atm, aadhar number


Here are 4 mental exercises that can help you get your focus back.

  1. Counting exercises
  • Take a random book and start counting the words in one paragraph. Don’t count them aloud and don’t point fingers at each word. Do it a couple times to get the count right. Then count the words in two paragraphs. When you see you are able to do two paragraphs easily, increase the number of paragraphs.
  • Count backward from 100 to 1, again, mentally and not aloud. Repeat the exercise. When you are comfortable with this range, increase it to 500, and so on.
  • Count backwards with variations. For example, skip the numbers in five, like 100, 95, 90, 85 etc. When you are comfortable with that, try a harder variation, like a count of three – 100, 97, 94 etc.
  1. Observation exercises
  • Take any physical object – a fruit, a toy, a book anything – and focus your entire mind on it. Observe its characters and features carefully and meticulously – like if it is an apple note what the colour is, how red or how green, if the shape crooked or smooth, the texture, the smell of it. Simultaneously, keep your mind from straying into other random thoughts. For example, your mind can stray from the apple to your grocery bills, but don’t think of those things. If your mind strays, gently bring it back to the contemplation of the apple. Start by observing for 3-5 minutes, and increase the time to 10-15 minutes in phases.
  • When you master the focused observation, try observing without thinking. When we think, we are usually having a conversation in our minds. We think in languages, and those language words bring out images from our memory stores. In this exercise, you try to observe without any kind of talking going on in your head. Don’t tell yourself if the apple is red or green or smooth or crooked. Just observe without thinking anything. Increase the observation time slowly.
  1. Visualizing exercises

After you have observed an object thoroughly for a few minutes, close your eyes and try to visualize it, exactly as you have observed it from different sides and angles. Try to imagine its texture, smell, shape, colour everything that you have noted with your eyes open. If the image tends to blur open your eyes, observe for two more minutes, then close them and try again.

  1. Focusing exercises

Sit in a quiet place and choose a word to focus on. It can be anything, as long as it has some positive or inspiring connotation for you – like ‘love’, ‘success’, ‘joy’, ‘courage’ etc. It can also be a phrase or a motto, whatever works for you. Now repeat this word or phrase constantly in your mind with complete attention for 5 minutes. Try to keep your mind focused on just the word/phrase and nothing else. When you find that comfortable, increase the time to 10 minutes.

Now, just like physical exercises, mental exercises too need a bit of preparation and warm-up. Follow these ground rules before starting any mental exercise.

  • Choose a comfortable place to sit with minimum disturbances, either visual or auditory.
  • Sit with your spine straight. You may sit cross-legged in a Yoga posture, or just sit in a chair. What matters is that you sit straight and comfortably.
  • Increase the intensity of the exercises slowly, and move to a bigger count only when you can comfortably and easily perform the previous step.
  • Remember these are not about success, but consistency. If you can’t get your focus back after 3 days, you are not supposed to. Keep at it and the effect will show.